Wednesday, June 3

See Ya!

This blog is gone with the wind....

I'm only saving the posts so that the sicko's don't turn the link into something I don't you want linked on your blog.

So if you have a link, a HUGE thank you, but go a head and erase it. I won't be posting here ever again.


Thursday, July 10

Fridays Feast


When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?

Last Thursday. In preparation for the vacation we didn't get to go on.


Name one thing you miss about being a child.

Not knowing any better.


Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil.

Depends on what I am using it for. Butter for baking, Margarine for rolls, and Olive Oil cooking.

Main Course

If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?

I already know ASL (American Sign Language). So I would chose something different like Greek or Latin.


Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…

5 years older... other than that I really can't think right now.

There are more Wonderful Feasts at Fridays Feast!

Tuesday, July 8

Something's Always Wrong ~Toad The Wet Sprocket

Another day I call and never speak
And you would say nothing's changed at all
And I can't feel much hope for anything
If I won't be there to catch you if you fall

It seems we meet
In the spaces
In between
We always say
It won't be long
But something's always wrong

Another game of putting things aside
As if we'll come back to them some time
A brace of hope a pride of innocence
And you would say something has gone wrong

It seems we meet
In the spaces
In between
We always say
It won't be long
But something's always wrong

"Again we fail to meet and mend
The spaces safe between intents
We say too much and long been gone,
Oh but something's always wrong."

"Again we fail to make amends
And wend our way between intents
And looking back, not moving on
Oh but something's always wrong."

"Again we fail to meet and mend
The spaces safe between intents
We say too much, too long been gone
Oh but something's always wrong.

Monday, June 30

Heads or Tails

TAILS - Share a Summertime memory

When I was little, we used to load up into my grandparents motor-home and go boating at the lake for a week or two. This was the highlight of my youth.

Driving to the lake my Grandpa would let me sit on his lap and "drive" in turn causing my Grandma to nearly have a stroke.

Then, as my Grandpa and Dad worked to get the boat loaded into the water, my Grandma would distract us older kids by telling us Ghost Stories about the man with the Golden Leg... I remember this day specifically.

One time, there was a HUGE storm one night and I was a little nervous that we were going to lose the boat. But my Grandma reassured me that Grandpa had tied it down tight and that if I went to bed, it would still be there in the morning. And sure enough, it still was.

Now that I am older, the one thing I had always wanted to get is a boat so that my children can grow up having the same wonderful memories like I had. Maybe one day I will get have one... if not for my children, then for my grandchildren.

Check out the Heads or Tails Home Page for more HoTs.

Saturday, June 28

I'm Cool!

Or at least I will be.

I just bought a laptop cooling mat made especially for use while having your laptop on your lap or on the couch or a bed etc. So basically, it doesn't have to be on a desk or hard surface to work properly. So what does this mean? It means I won't be frying my new laptop AND I will be blogging in COMFORT!!

I am so excited!

Is that lame?

Never mind. Don't answer that.

Sunday, June 22

It's Getting Hot In Here

But this time, it's not me. It's my laptop. I want to use it in convenient places like everyone else does (aka: my bed) wait... that sounded bad... everyone doesn't used their computer in my bed... they use it in their OWN bed. And I want to use it in my OWN bed as well. But... then it overheats.

I need to find a way that I can be lazy and comfy and not burn out and overheat my computer at the same time.

Suggestions???? (please remember I'm cheap and poor and don't need to be given a link to something we both know I can NOT afford... so be gentle, please.)

Wednesday, June 11

Monday, June 9

Go Daddy Can Bite Me!

I wanted to switch my domain name from blogger to a custom one. I've done it for all my other blogs but this time I did it late at night when I was tired and I did it through Go Daddy instead of through Blogger. Well, the consequences of this are now the settings won't save correctly and every time you try to go to my customer domain it sends you to the WRONG PLACE!! So tell me why I'm paying for the damn domain name now?

I'm so mad!

P.S. This is my FIRST post on my NEW laptop!!

Sunday, June 8

A Good Nights Rest (For Me Anyways)

I've had a migraine for 4 days. I haven't been able to take my good sleeping pills that prevent my headaches cause I have had company over and they make me want to sleep too much.

So, the other night I took 2 Ambien instead. Unfortunately, Mr. Magoo (my 1 year old) woke up in the middle of the night crying wanting to eat. He normally sleeps through the night but is currently going through a growth spurt. Hubby had already been up twice with the over tired 2 year old and asked me to get up with him.

I rolled over looked at him with this "too bad for you" grin on my face and said: "I took two Ambien, I'm too drugged. Sorry!!" I then rolled back over and went back to sleep.

Too bad I don't remember any of this.

Actually, it's probably a good thing I don't remember any of this. HAHA!!

Wednesday, June 4

Now I'm REALLY On Fire!

So I've talked about blogging for money recently and now I'm really excited. I've seen all these people talk about SocialSpark for some time and I finally jumped on the band wagon and man am I glad I did. This place ROCKS!

Like this, check out the Dashboard.

It's flashy and HOT and best of all it's easy to use and understand. I was only on here for about 10 minutes and was able to figure it out.

Another awesome feature is the networking option. Like the way you can find other blogs and meet new people. It's a great way to drive traffic to your blog and build your community. I haven't even been a member very long and I already have friends and have found some new blogs I REALLY enjoy reading.

I know there are a lot of moms out there that blog and post pictures of the kids and keep the family updates... and my thought is... why not make a few bucks while your at it? I am doing it to pay off Noah's medical bills from his Heart Transplant. You could do it to buy a new laptop or help pay for that Disneyland Vacation the kids have been begging for. What does it hurt to throw in a post here and there that actually EARNS you MONEY$$$!!!

Most of the people I meet say they blog for therapy and down time and release from the busy day. I say do all that AND get paid. That's what finally made me decide to give it a try. And so far SocialSpark and made it simple easy.

Their code of ethics is awesome!
-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly

(Who doesn't love things that are 100%??)

So here is the thing... I need more friends on SocialSpark. This I am sure will come with time, but I don't want to wait. So I think all my wonderful bloggy friends should hop on over, log in, and give it a try. Then we can all become SocialSpark friends and start our "fire"!!

Whatcha think??

Oh, by the way... want to know the best part about this post?? I got PA$D to post it!! Oh YAH!! I think I'm in love!!

Sponsored by SocialSpark

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I want to while on vacation.

  1. Get a massage
  2. Go swimming
  3. Sleep in
  4. Go Shopping
  5. Spend time at the beach
  6. Go swimming at night when the kids are asleep
  7. Read a good book.
  8. See a good movie
  9. Laugh a lot
  10. RELAX
  11. Eat some ice cream
  12. See my Daughter smile at Disneyland (notice how I didn't say I wanted to GO to Disneyland??)
  13. See my husband smile on the Aircraft carriers. (notice again how I didn't say I wanted to GO?? lol)

The Damn Would Break

This is another Toad the Wet Sprocket Song I had to share. I've been listening to them lately and I just LOVE them!!!

Is it this place that makes me fall from you
Forget the words that once rang so true
Did we expect that life was ever fair, my god . . .
I sowed a field of rose and reaped a whipping rod
And everything i've held too tight inside
Could make a part of me die
And if my lips could only speak the name
The dam would break
What is this ice that gathers 'round my heart
To stop the flood of warmth before it even starts
It would make me blind to what i thought would always be
The only constant in the world for me
And every hour of every day
I need to fight from pulling away
And if my mind could only loose the chain
The dam would break
For all the things i hid away
And all the words i could not say
The dam would break

Throw It All Away

Take your cautionary tales
And take your incremental gain
And all the sycophantic games
And throw 'em all away
Burn your tv in your yard
And gather 'round it with your friends
And warm your hands upon the fire
And start again
Take the story you've been sold
The lies that justify the pain
The guilt that weighs upon your soul
And throw 'em all away
Tear up the calendar you bought
And throw the pieces to the sky
Confetti falling down like rain
Like a parade to usher in your life
Take the dreams that should've died
The ones that kept you lying awake
When you should've been all right
And throw 'em all away
With the time i waste on the life i never had
I could've turned myself into a better man
There is nothing you can buy
And there is nothing you can save
To fill the hole inside your heart
So throw it all away
Help me to empty this house
The wool i've gathered all these days
And thought i couldn't do without
And throw it all away

This is one of my Favorite songs by Toad the Wet Sprocket. Enjoy.

I'm On My Way!!

I finally signed up with PayPerPost to start reviewing products and the such so I can earn some money to pay off Noah's medical bills from his heart transplant!!

I am SO excited.

I know that is probably pretty lame. But if I can make even a small amount of money for something I already do during my "downtime" why wouldn't I want to at least give it a try??

So far, it's been really easy. All I had to do was enter my information, enter my blog information, put a few codes into my template for tracking purposes, and now I am on my way!

I wanted to get my first post up as soon as I could so I haven't had a chance to go through the website and check out all the opportunities yet but from what I saw, there seems to be quite a few. And so far it's been really easy to navigate. I actually think I'm going to have fun with this.

Cause if you know me, my reviews and HUGE opinions are never advertisement like. So you don't have to worry that this blog will get boring like watching TV commercials. I promise to KEEP IT REAL!!

I actually thought about doing the PayPerPost thing a while back but never really got into it or gave it much thought. But then the other day I was visiting a friends blog (I know, can you believe it?? I wasn't using my phone's reader!!) and I saw her banner in her side bar. And that's what gave me the idea to give it a try again. So I started this new blog and here we are... I'm on my way!!!

Check out the word of mouth ethics if you are interested in some more information.