Sunday, May 18

A New Weight Loss Option?

So I just watched a segment on my local news talking about how a diet clinic nearby is offering a new diet option of pregnancy hormone shots (HCG) to help people lose weight. Both men and women have lost weight doing it. They are one a very strict 500 calorie a day diet but because of the shots they don't feel hungry or over eat. They lose about 1/2 to 1 pound a day!

The Dr at the clinic even said that afterwards the hypothalamus is reset to make is think a lower body weight is "normal". To help the body stay at a lower weight.

Read about the story here and tell me what you think. I am very interested. I have been really sick with what my Dr's are think is some sort of Auto Immune Disease since I had my last baby and I just can not lose this weight!! At my last appointment we even talked about Cushings Disease. So if I can't get a diagnosis and start losing weight... I would TOTALLY be interested in giving this a shot. I feel so desperate at this point.

What do you think? (About the HCG weight lose option, not about me feeling desperate.)

1 comment:

Jen said...

This is interesting to say the least. It sounds like a "too good to be true" type of deal, but if it works like it says, that's pretty dang cool. I read the article and while it says you don't "feel" hungry, it seems you are basically starving yourself and hence the reason you lose so fast. I mean anyone is gonna lose weight like that eating only 500 calories a day. That's nothing! I don't know, I'd probably wait if it were me to see more research done on it, but then again, if you are desperate. . . go for it :)